Tag Archives: Cookbooks


I love cookbooks. Let me start farther back in that thought…

My husband and I both work from home frequently, and we work on the dining room table. We are both noisy people when it comes to our work, so John is now working on turning the bedroom/storage room on the lower level into an office. He’s looking forward to filing cabinets. I’m looking forward to shelves on which to store my accumulation of cookbooks. There are boxes of them in the garage, not doing anyone any good.

Two days ago, I was in a gift shop in our small town that was having an amazing after-Christmas sale, and there was this wonderful table of books…lots of books at ridiculous prices. I came home with ten more cookbooks. John just sighed.

Canal House Cooks by Melissa Hamilton and Christopher Hirsheimer

Canal House Cooks by Melissa Hamilton and Christopher Hirsheimer

So far, my favorite of the stack is “Canal House Cooks every day” by Hamilton and Hirsheimer. Somewhere it has lost its paper jacket, but the insides are what intrigues me. This book is filled with REAL food. Can’t wait to cook some of these offerings. I promise to report back on what I find. If it is as tasty as these beautiful photos lead me to believe, I let you know. You could go find this book, too. More to come…